Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm back like a bad case of herpes mother fuckers...

I've made my return to the blogging world...I know, you've missed me. Since I've been gone: epic fail at my attempt to do the "Insanity" workout (fuck off to you non-believers, I'll do it sometime), epic success with not smoking (not a single drag since April 11!!), aaaaaand I'm still awesome so all in all, it's been a good 3 months. Any crazy drunk moments in the last few months? Ummm too many to count. The stories may appear someday but for now, you'll just have to wait in suspense. Look for upcoming drunk stories/rants, random bullshit, fun facts, and other shit that ya just don't care about but you have nothing to do so you'll read anyways.

Best 5 songs right now:

1. Ridin' Solo
2. Cooler than Me
3. Hello Good Morning
4. You and Your Heart
5. Billionaire

Peace, Love & Cocktails <3

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