Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sir, Judging by the way you just walked up the need to leave. What?!

Carls and rhondas and carlas...OH MY!! What a week kids!! If you have been carried out of the bar and/or asked to leave for the way you walked up stairs within the same 72 hour period...well, then you're me. Met some idiots @ Nockschpiel (sp?) and we decided to follow up with Madison's. While talking to the horniest piece of ass I've ever met (yes, Ellen, we can see that you're wet through your pants...sorry for the graphic talk but its oh so true...wait, why am I apologizing when this is my fucking blog?) a bouncer approaches me and says something along the lines of "Sir, judging by the way you just walked up the stairs, you need to leave." I turned around, shocked by Carl, and said, "Comosewhatwasldkfj?!" After a little chat things were settled, but honestly, the way I walked up the stairs? I'm sorry sir/Carl, but maybe I just have a little bit of swagger aaaaaand your jealous? No, actually I was hammered...but still!!! After realizing how crushed I was, I called the oh-so-wonderful Badger Cab. (Ps. I SAW JEAN LAST NIGHT!!! ...follow-up later on that one) Aaaaappppparently I passed out in the cab...but I don't feel like going there. All and all, it was a wonderful night...except that my fucking leftover jambalaya is in molly's "fridge." (I mean, you said "it's like a fridge") I really gotta start writing these when I'm hammered or sober, not this in between and still drunk shit. And they say yeeeeeeeah! And they stay there! And they yeeeeeeahhhh!!! Up down, up down, up down....cuz all I do is win, win, win!!! (All I do is win by DJ it). As always, go fuck yourself and have a nice day :)

1 comment:

  1. Um good thing you left when you did, things went downhill from there...lovvves
