Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Top 5's

Que pasa stalker?! My blog has clearly been my last priority in the past few weeks, and for that, I apologize to the people who's only fun in life comes from living vicariously through mine. Today, I feel like top 10's.

The top 5 things on my mind at the moment:

5. Mother Nature. Dear MN, you are a cunt. Is it getting hotter or colder? It's like your going through menopause. One day its 70, then its 40, then it snows, then its 80. WTF mate? Pick a fucking season and stick with it...make it summer, please. Thank you.

4. Charter Communications. I hope your company is force to file Chapter 11 annually. Your bundle blows and your customer service is less than satisfactory. Can I, for at least a month, go without having problems with your shit-stick-fuck-useless cable boxes?

3. Income. Cheers to my finances right now. Money is looking good (cuz I'm working nonstop), and I'm loving it.

2. Technology. New Blackberry & Ipod Touch. I feel so technologically connected with the world. I still have no idea how to work either, but just keeping in mind "baby steps..."

1. Sunday, March 28. What a shit show of a sunday funday. The most conservative republican and biggest gay-hater ever was dragged (haha no pun intended) to the Miss Madison drag show @ Club 5. Cheers to you Mr. L, you've got snaps and moves like I've never seen before. As for me giving drag queens dollar bills from my teeth, passing trays of shots (that I didn't pay for, sorry Jeffrey, thank you Visa) to people I didn't know and ruining the taping of the entire "pageant," well all I can say is, look for an apology from Blackhaus, cuz you won't get one here!!

Top 5 things I'm looking forward to doing this summer:

5. Skydiving in the honor of the greatest woman to walk this earth.

4. See Tom Petty three separate times!!! (twice @ summerfest and once in chicago)

3. Sitting outside with great cocktails and great friends.

2. Getting in shape!! Can't wait to start running again and get back on a workout regimen.

1. The spontaneous random bullshit that is bound to happen. Life happens when people are too busy making plans. While I've got much to do this summer and a lot of stuff planned, I still love the random days and random fun that happens drunk and sober. I think summer of 2010 is gona top them all.

Top 5 people I want to spend my summer with:

5. Molly Stiffler.

4. Carl/Carla/Rhonda.

3. Molly Stiffler.

2. All the idiots I already hang out with...

1. Tie between Molly Stiffler & Gary Coleman. (Since I've never met Gary, Stiffler's chances are looking good right now.)

That's all for now...
Peace, love & cocktails =)

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