Sunday, August 8, 2010

Domestic Violence

What do you think...does this video send the wrong message about domestic violence? Or does it portray an eye-opening view of these types of relationships?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Brewer Bus Trip today!!

Gettin' after it today!! Brewer Bus trip with Miller! Should be awesome!! Hope I make it home alive!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Things to keep in mind...

Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
Watch a sunrise at least once a year.
Compliment 3 people everyday.
Sing in the shower.
Keep it simple.
Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
Leave everything a little better than you found it.
Think big thoughts but relish in small pleasures.
Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
Be forgiving of yourself and others.
Overtip waitresses and bartenders.
Say “thank you” and “please” a lot.
Buy whatever kids are selling on tables in their front yards.
Avoid negative people.
Remember other people’s birthdays.
Commit yourself to constant improvement.
Carry jumper cables in your trunk.
Have a firm handshake.
Stop blaming others and take responsibility for every area of your life.
Look people in the eye.
Strive for excellence, not perfection.
Be the first to say, “Hello.”
Use the good silver.
Make new friends but cherish the old ones.
Keep secrets.
Always accept an outstretched hand.
Be there when people need you.
Feed a stranger’s parking meter.
Don’t expect life to be fair.
Never underestimate the power of love.
Drink champagne for no reason at all.
Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation.
Don’t be afraid to say, “I made a mistake.”
Don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know.”
Compliment even small improvements.
Always keep your promises.
Marry only for love.
Rekindle old friendships.
Call your mother.

Peace, Love & Cocktails :)

It's Wasted Wednesday!!

Another Wednesday huh? If I could kick this funk I'm in, I'd love to go out tonight. Was supposed to go to Concerts on the Square but I'm not feelin it. Instead, I've got a lil date with Miller Lite, my dog and my front yard. Relaxation is good for the soul!! :) Look for a late night post, I'm sure it'll happen.

Got this one stuck in my head...

21 & Invincible by Something Corporate!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Here's what I think...

I think fucking McDonald's should put fucking breakfast on fucking special all fucking day and all fucking night. Furthermore, I think your late night menu is a crock of shit. I am also mildly upset because I'm fairly certain I have no beer left...however, I'm too afraid to go to the kitchen and confirm my nightmare.

Stupid girls put up with too much drama and bullshit from piece of shit ass fucking guys and they should learn to respect themselves and push the douche bags to the side. You are beautiful and you are better than that. CHECK YOURSELF AT THE FUCKING DOOR AND STOP LEAVING YOUR DIGNITY AT HOME!!

TBS...what do you even stand for? The Bullshit Station? What are you even known for? You show the most random shit and 87% of the time, I could give a flying fuck about what is playing on your bullshit channel. Get it together.

Dear Manager of Open Pantry on Regent Street, It would be much appreciated if you would honor my request of ordering the pomegranate flavored 5 hour energy. I come in every day...sometimes multiple times per day. I promise to buy at least 10 per week if you would please please please please please just get it!! Thank you kindly.

Tour de France? How bout Tour de go fuck yourself. I think that sounds better. Why the hell do any of you idiots get enjoyment out of watching a bunch of one-testicled fuck tards ride bikes? It's the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

The other night, someone offered me heroin. It was awkward. I politely declined and asked if I could SUB Black Haus. No dice.

What's up with this slow motion bullshit on the telly right now? I honestly am not sober enough to try and decipher my perception from reality.

Shout out to Badger Cab for always (for the most part) pullin' through. You, along with drunk me, have really helped sober me out. Props.

Anti shout out to Miller Lite, you're getting old.

Anti shout out to Texts From Last be honest, I've got two words: weak sauce. Let's take a shot and re-group.

Anti shout out to poaching the SO and ASO from Badger Herald

Well, I think I've vented enough and hopefully offended someone. Peace, Love & Cocktails :)

If I could write you a song...

"Now you may never be on a Maybelline commercial
But you always let me know when you got some purple
See I can't let you walk away
I can't let you walk away
You need to light one with me"

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mike Posner is where it's at!!

Mike that shit...bro knows what is up!! Cooler Than Me & Drug Dealer Girl are PHENOMENAL songs!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

PaPeR ToWeLs...hilarious!!

I'm back like a bad case of herpes mother fuckers...

I've made my return to the blogging world...I know, you've missed me. Since I've been gone: epic fail at my attempt to do the "Insanity" workout (fuck off to you non-believers, I'll do it sometime), epic success with not smoking (not a single drag since April 11!!), aaaaaand I'm still awesome so all in all, it's been a good 3 months. Any crazy drunk moments in the last few months? Ummm too many to count. The stories may appear someday but for now, you'll just have to wait in suspense. Look for upcoming drunk stories/rants, random bullshit, fun facts, and other shit that ya just don't care about but you have nothing to do so you'll read anyways.

Best 5 songs right now:

1. Ridin' Solo
2. Cooler than Me
3. Hello Good Morning
4. You and Your Heart
5. Billionaire

Peace, Love & Cocktails <3

Monday, April 12, 2010


It's Monday fucking morning. How many people could really be calling for cabs right now?!?! 45 minutes? You gotta be dry fucking me!! Who do I have to fuck around here to get a god damn ride?!!

Drunk Asshole

So I was absolutely trizzassshed last night :) Had to go out hard as today marks Insanity Day 1. No cigarettes, weed or booze for 60 days. I also have to eat a balanced diet. FML. Get ready for a cranky son of a bitch. Super jacked about it but honestly don't know if I'll be able to stick it out. Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

iNsAnE iN tHe MeMbRaNe

So I recently ordered the new workout by BeachBody called Insanity (supposed to be harder than P90X). Just tracked it on UPS and it should be here today!! A wise man once said "You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind." When it comes to improving myself, I'm such a talker. I have all these ideas, but never actually stick with them. Well I'm 100% dedicated to completing this 60-day hell project. My blog will temporarily be called "Fit Like Me." Just kidding, I'm not changing it. But, I will not be drinking while doing this workout so this website will just take you through my journey of becoming the sexiest man on earth. Start plugging your piggy bank cuz when you see my smokin' body at the end of the diet, you will definitely wana buy Insanity.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Tiger Woods is gonna be pissed...

Sexting by Ludacris...absolutely hilarious.

Missing you...

"It's kinda hard with you not around, I know you in heaven smilin' down, watchin' us while we pray for you...everyday, we pray for you. Until the day we meet again, in my heart is where I'll keep you friend."

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Proof of my drunken tails...

Oh ya know, just givin' out $dolla dolla bills$ with my teeth...

One addition to the latest...

Top 5 FaVoRiTe SoNgS RiGhT nOw:

5. Nothin' on you - B.O.B.

4. All I do is win - DJ Khaled

3. Say somethin - Timbaland & Drake

2. Telephone - Beyonce & Lady Gaga

1. Like a G6 - FM

Top 5's

Que pasa stalker?! My blog has clearly been my last priority in the past few weeks, and for that, I apologize to the people who's only fun in life comes from living vicariously through mine. Today, I feel like top 10's.

The top 5 things on my mind at the moment:

5. Mother Nature. Dear MN, you are a cunt. Is it getting hotter or colder? It's like your going through menopause. One day its 70, then its 40, then it snows, then its 80. WTF mate? Pick a fucking season and stick with it...make it summer, please. Thank you.

4. Charter Communications. I hope your company is force to file Chapter 11 annually. Your bundle blows and your customer service is less than satisfactory. Can I, for at least a month, go without having problems with your shit-stick-fuck-useless cable boxes?

3. Income. Cheers to my finances right now. Money is looking good (cuz I'm working nonstop), and I'm loving it.

2. Technology. New Blackberry & Ipod Touch. I feel so technologically connected with the world. I still have no idea how to work either, but just keeping in mind "baby steps..."

1. Sunday, March 28. What a shit show of a sunday funday. The most conservative republican and biggest gay-hater ever was dragged (haha no pun intended) to the Miss Madison drag show @ Club 5. Cheers to you Mr. L, you've got snaps and moves like I've never seen before. As for me giving drag queens dollar bills from my teeth, passing trays of shots (that I didn't pay for, sorry Jeffrey, thank you Visa) to people I didn't know and ruining the taping of the entire "pageant," well all I can say is, look for an apology from Blackhaus, cuz you won't get one here!!

Top 5 things I'm looking forward to doing this summer:

5. Skydiving in the honor of the greatest woman to walk this earth.

4. See Tom Petty three separate times!!! (twice @ summerfest and once in chicago)

3. Sitting outside with great cocktails and great friends.

2. Getting in shape!! Can't wait to start running again and get back on a workout regimen.

1. The spontaneous random bullshit that is bound to happen. Life happens when people are too busy making plans. While I've got much to do this summer and a lot of stuff planned, I still love the random days and random fun that happens drunk and sober. I think summer of 2010 is gona top them all.

Top 5 people I want to spend my summer with:

5. Molly Stiffler.

4. Carl/Carla/Rhonda.

3. Molly Stiffler.

2. All the idiots I already hang out with...

1. Tie between Molly Stiffler & Gary Coleman. (Since I've never met Gary, Stiffler's chances are looking good right now.)

That's all for now...
Peace, love & cocktails =)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Feelin' so fly like a G6...

CAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLL! I am hammered, but would be than okay to remember tongiht.

My neighbors suck at life...

Excuse me, but it is 4 in the fucking morning...turn your music off!! I have just ended a 5 day bender...all together, I'm sure that I have polished off about 3 bottles of blackhaus and maybe 70 bottles of miller lite since tuesday. yes, i know that a&e has a show called intervention, go fuck yourself, i don't need one.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

This is for my Bitty's...

What up Bitty's? Well, there's one Bitty in this house and its K-Dawg/Breezy. Cocktails & BlackHaus...done and done. Kobe. Leftover Jambalaya. Kobe.

Sir, Judging by the way you just walked up the need to leave. What?!

Carls and rhondas and carlas...OH MY!! What a week kids!! If you have been carried out of the bar and/or asked to leave for the way you walked up stairs within the same 72 hour period...well, then you're me. Met some idiots @ Nockschpiel (sp?) and we decided to follow up with Madison's. While talking to the horniest piece of ass I've ever met (yes, Ellen, we can see that you're wet through your pants...sorry for the graphic talk but its oh so true...wait, why am I apologizing when this is my fucking blog?) a bouncer approaches me and says something along the lines of "Sir, judging by the way you just walked up the stairs, you need to leave." I turned around, shocked by Carl, and said, "Comosewhatwasldkfj?!" After a little chat things were settled, but honestly, the way I walked up the stairs? I'm sorry sir/Carl, but maybe I just have a little bit of swagger aaaaaand your jealous? No, actually I was hammered...but still!!! After realizing how crushed I was, I called the oh-so-wonderful Badger Cab. (Ps. I SAW JEAN LAST NIGHT!!! ...follow-up later on that one) Aaaaappppparently I passed out in the cab...but I don't feel like going there. All and all, it was a wonderful night...except that my fucking leftover jambalaya is in molly's "fridge." (I mean, you said "it's like a fridge") I really gotta start writing these when I'm hammered or sober, not this in between and still drunk shit. And they say yeeeeeeeah! And they stay there! And they yeeeeeeahhhh!!! Up down, up down, up down....cuz all I do is win, win, win!!! (All I do is win by DJ it). As always, go fuck yourself and have a nice day :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Ain't no way to explain or say
How painful the hangover was today
In front of the toilet, hands and knees
Trying to breathe in between the dry heaves
My baby made me some coffee
Afraid that if I drink some it's probably coming right back out me
Couple of advil, relax and chill
At a standstill with how bad I feel
I think I need to smell fresh hair
So I stepped out the back door and fell down the stairs
The sunlight hit me dead in the eye
Like it's mad I gave half the day to last night
My bad sight made me trip on my ass right into that patch of grass like that's life
All of a sudden, I realize something
The weather is amazing, even the birds are bumpin
Stood up and took a look and a breath
And there's that bike that I forgot that I possessed
Never really seen exercise as friendly
But I thing something's telling me to ride that slow speed
The brakes are broken, it's alright
The tires got air and the chain seems tight
Hopped on and felt the summertime,
It reminds me of one of them Musab lines like

Sunshine, sunshine, it's fine
I feel it in my skin, warming up my mind,
Sometimes you gotta give in to win,
I love the days when it shines, whoa let it shine

If I could I would keep this feeling in a plastic jar
Bust it out whenever someone's actin hard
Settle down, barbeque in the backyard
The kids get treats and old folks get classic cars
Every day that gets to pass is a success
Every woman looks better in a sun dress
The sunshine's an excuse to shoot hoops, get juice
Show improve their moves and let loose
I hear voices, I see smiles to match em
Good times and you can feel it in the fashion
Even though the heat cooks up the action
The streets still got butterflies
Enough kids to catch 'em
Ridin my bike around these lakes man
Feelin like I finally figured out my escape plan
Take it all and the day started off all wrong
Somehow now that hangover is all gone
Ain't nothing like the sound of the leaves
When the breeze penetrates these southside trees
Leanin' up against one, watchin the vibe
Forgettin' all about the stress, thanking god I'm alive
It's so simple, I had to keep the song simple
When I get home I'm gonna open all the windows
Feelin all right, stopped at a stop sign
A car pulled up, bumpin Fresh Prince's Summertime

Can't get this song outta my head right now!!! Atmosphere...gotta love em!!

Dear Life, Could I please wake up sober for a day? Love, Evski

I think my dog is judging me...I have only made it to my bed twice in the last month, meaning that the other 28 days have been spent face down on the couch (one morning I woke up under my dining room table, but I don't feel like going there right now). One of these days, I swear I'll give my liver a break. Not sober enough for a full post - check back for my thoughts on last night. PS. Rob and Molly, I hope you go to hell for fueling my Blackhaus addiction. Go fuck yourself...oh and have a nice day :) Peace & Love.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ever left the house before, Carl?

I think that every person should have to buss tables, wash dishes, serve tables and bartend before they are allowed to play this game of life. I can't even begin to tell you how many times a day I would like to say "You sir, Carl, are a fucking idiot." If a server/bartender approaches you and says "Hi, how are you today?" Don't respond with your drink order or what you would like to eat or that you have friends joining you...that wasn't the question, dick. A simple "Fine, how are you today" will suffice. If I ask you if you would like a drink and you respond with, "No, I'll just have water," you sir, are a fucking re-tard. A glass of water is a drink. If you need service, do not wave your arms in the air like a paraplegic in the ocean, do not bang your cocktail on the bar and certainly do NOT call me buddy, chief, champ, kiddo, or barkeep (fuck you, Lynnpool), I know you are there and I will be with you momentarily. Any of these actions will warrant a bitch slap to the face...or me spitting in your food (just kidding, I don't do that...or do I?) In conclusion, go fuck yourself and have a nice day :)

Am I really blogging?

Hey, if you can't beat em...join em. That's what my friend Mattie says anyway (referring to getting a mustache tattoo on her finger, and yes she got it). Not really sure about this blog thing but I'll try it out. I've always wanted to write a book about my random drunken adventures, however, this will do. Enjoy the shit show that is my life.